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What are the requirements for lube oil flushing?
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What are the requirements for lube oil flushing?

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-04-26      Origin: Site

During the oil flushing always maintain the lube oil temperature 5 Degree C above the Normal Operating temp ( below the Lube oil permissible limit temp.) as normal operating temp is ~45-50 , so for lube oil flushing , maintain at 55-60 C. Try to maintain the maximum pressure possible for the lube oil flushing.

Does flushing oil concentrate work?

Flushing Oil Concentrate is possibly the most effective and safe treatment in removing harmful and performance draining sludge, hard carbon, soot and other contaminants and deposits from oil-wetted engine components.

What requirements should the selection of a suitable lubricating oil be based on?

Oil selection criteria. When you select a lubricating oil, the most important parameters are the viscosity and viscosity index, the thermal stability (which influences the choice of oil type) and the additive package (EP/AW and corrosion protection) that fits the operating conditions for the application.


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