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What are the requirements for lube oil flushing?"); display: inline-block; height: 24px; width: 24px; transform: rotateZ(-180deg);">During the oil flushing always maintain the lube oil temperature 5 Degree C above the Normal Operating temp ( below the Lube oil permissible limit temp.) as normal oper



[Product News] Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid EH Oil Purification Machine
ZT series Fire-resistant Hydraulic Fluid EH Oil Purification System can be used in many industries. The typical practice includes processing EH oil in power turbine control systems (Electro Hydraulic Controls). This oil purification system is designed according to the properties and working conditio



[Industry News] What is flushing oil in refinery?
The term “oil flushing” is used extensively in the process heating industry to refer to the cleaning of pipes and process equipment. Typical applications use immersion or circulation heaters that heat oil for circulating through the system to a desirable Reynolds number.



[Product News] How often should transformer oil be filtered?
Annually for 132 KV transformer, once in 2 years for the transformer below 132 KV transformer and in 2 years interval for the transformer above 132 KV transformer.removes impurities and restores / improves the electrical, chemical and physical properties of transformer insulating oils. This oil is an integral part of most large power transformers. It serves two major roles, as a cooling agent and as an electrical insulator between internal components.
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